Ghost Confessions #1005


I'm new to this site and I just wanted to share this people who believe in this stuff.

It happened in 2010 when I went to my friend's house after school. We were on the computer playing games when we heard the bathroom sink start running. We thought nothing of it because we thought it was just my friend's sister. Later on, we discovered that his mum and his sisters had actualy gone to basketball. Then we got freaked out. We went throught the whole house with golf clubs (I know it sounds pretty stupid with golf clubs but incase anyone was in the house). We had found nothing. We had thought it was strange that the tap started running. While we were coming up the hall we had heard footsteps coming up the hall so we freaked out and ran up to the front room and stayed there. We were 12 at the time so it was pretty scary.

Another time, we were in the kitchen at his house with the stereo on and a glass jar just fell of the pantry shelf and smashed. Again nobody else was home, it was strange. His mum tryed talking to the ghost and the power went out just like that. My friend claims he sometimes heard footsteps in the hallway. He told me that a couple of months ago a man fell and hit his head on the cupboard and died. Maybe this links in.

Some of you might think this is fake because I'm 13, but this is a true experience that happened to me and my friend. I have always been interested in the paranormal and will post more stories if I have any more experiences. So hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you thought, thanks.


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