Ghost Confession #1004


When I was little I had a best friend named Rose. We were around 4 at the time I think. We were inseperable, we did everything together. Our Mum's used to think it was so cute because they were also best friends.. Well one day something terrible happened & Rose & her mum were in a car accident. Rose's mum survived the wreck with a broken leg, shoulder & many bruises. But the impact of the car accident was enough to throw Rose from the windsheild of the car and she died. I didn't understand at the time.. Anyway a few weeks passed & my mum over heard me playing and talking to someone in my room. When she asked who it was I said "it's Rose Mummy, She is better now, she just wants to play" My mum tried to explain to me that Rose wasn't coming back but I insisted she was with me.. countless other times I was over heard talking to Rose when there was no one there BUT she WAS there!. & to this day still is! Ever since her death, Rose has been by my side. I know most of you wont believe me but it's true. So I guess my Ghost Confession is- My dead childhood friend is still following me around to this day ! -


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